Wednesday 11 September 2013

three colours blue danika tankaria 12.09.13

I will be analysing a short opening sequence to the french film Three Colours Blue.

At the beginning of the film there is a short sound sequence This sequence sounds a lot like the moterway and also gives away the surrounding of the area. this gives an effect on the audience as it makes us fell that the motarway is busy. it can also give us a sence of danger or that something might occur later on in the film.

The young girl in this scene looks bored and tired. an example of this is when we see her sitting at the back of the car and looking out. This indicates tht she is either bored or tired accourding to her facial expressoin and body lauguage. We can also tell this becuse of the use of an point of view shot. tis point of view shot is effect because of the use of the lights and how they shine onto her face during this scene.

During the sequence the car pulls over at the side o the motarway. The man exits out of the car and strenches out.This gives us the indication that he might be a family man and that he and possibly the family have gone a long way to go somewhere. this also shows us that he may be tired due to the body langauge that he shows.

We see a close up of the car brake. when we see this car brake the main focus of this is the drip. this can show us that there is a sence of danger that may occur, also in the background you she faintly the girl running. this may also show us that something might happen to the girl and that she might be involed in what might happen later on in the sequence.

We see the car appear from the mist on the motorway. This may give us an indication and a sense of danger as fog is normally hard to see what in front of you in the car. This also goes back to when we see the car brake dripping as these might both be reasons why in which something may happen later on.

The last scene that we see is the car have a crash into the tree. We notice that the car brake drip and the fog has lead to this accident. We see the beach ball roll out of the car. This shows us that the possible family was on their way to may be the beach or somewhere simular.

1 comment:

  1. Danika, You have described what you saw and heard well and begun to make connections between image, sound and narrative.

    ebi The next step will be to deepen the analysis through the use of media languages and terminology and to try and refine your commentary.
