Wednesday 18 September 2013

seven and the godfather 19.09.13

I will be analysing the opening sequence of Seven and how the director engages the audience though narrative and character.

 In this sequence there is a variety of different ways of showing the narrative of this story. One way in which there is a clear narrative of this story is the way the camera uses close up of the writing on the table. This may be used as a narrative because it tells us a outline of the story and how the story may be structured out in order to tell us a story.  The camera also helps us to understand the narrative because we are able to see what the character sees and what the writing says, this gives us again a clear summary of the story.

 Though out the sequence we can tell a clear pattern of a character. We see this by the way the character is presented with the paper on his desk and we can see a bit of his costume, we  see him wearing a long coat which can suggest that he is a detective with the documents on his desk. We have evidence to show that the main character is a detective because of the way the sequence is formed together to show the audience the genre of the film.

I will be analysing the opening sequence of the godfather,how the film engages the audience and narrative. 

At the beginning of the sequence we hear a character talking to a different character. This can tell us alot the narrative of the story as it helps us to understand what the story is about and it can also tell us the main narritive of the story. This also helps the audience to understand what the story is about even before getting into the main film. 

We also see the character at the beginning of this sequence.  Judging the character by his facial expressions and his body language , it tells us that he might of lost someone because of the way that he cries and the way that he sits in the chair. According to his costume we can see that he may be a middle class man due to the coat that he is wearing and that we know he is a wealthy man who has lost someone close to his.

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