Saturday 19 October 2013

brief synopsis of vampire movie

there were three girls having a quiet night in, watching movies, eating popcorn and having a pjs party.

they hear a knock on the door, there friends from the same street want to come and join them. they all enjoy the movies.

then there was a power cut and the friends had no candles or touchs so they was unable to see anything.

suddenly there was a scream fro one of the girls. one of them found a touch near by and turned it on, she also screamed.

one of the three boys they let into the house was a vampire and they dident know because it was dark.

that one boy was sucking blood out of the girls neck and no one had known what to do to save her, however they had discovered that the boy was carrying holy water, so one of the girls grabbed the water and poured it over them both so that they girl could stay human, but it was too late she would of had also become a vampire herself, there was no way that she could go back to leading a normal human life.

that same night there was another power cut and the boy tried to bit another one of the friends, but he had tried to stop himself but it did not happen so the second girls who was bitten had no chose but to get real holy water and pour it over the boy.

the group of friends were still terrified of what happened so they tried to kick the boy out before one of the girls parents came home from work.

watching and analysing

In the film The Let The Right One the i would say that the genre is fantasy and the sub genre is vampires.
The sound that was used in this sequence was non-diagetic sound which means that the actors cant hear the sound but we as the audience can hear the sound. the sound in this sequence makes the audience feel tension and makes the film dramatic about the sequence and makes us want to engage in with the audience. it also makes the audience wonder what the storyline of this film is as there is not dialogue in with the film. the over atosphere of this film is dull and there is not much lighting with in the sequence and also it makes the audience feel suspence because of the way the light is set up and also this gives the audience a creepy feel and they dont know what going to happen and they feel scared, this film can also be considered as a horror movie becaus eof the way the film is set out because of the dull scaring atmosphere. vampires can be represented in different way such as they can scary and that they have teeth so that they can suck the blood out of humans and the humans thoughfore become a vampire as well.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The opening of The Hunger is very different to the opening of Let the right one in. this is because the opening of the film is more dramtic and the soundtrack is more creppy because this films soundtrack was also non diagetic but the sound is more creepy and makes you feel scared because you dont know what the film is about. the soundtrack consists of srechy sounds to give the audience the creepy feel from the film. the lighting in the film is very dark but however there is a bright blue light in the background to give the suspense of the film and also one of the characters is in full black which can suggest that this is a dark, but yet creepy feeling film. there are opposites between humans and vampires such as vampires take blood out of humans so that the vampires can survive so they need blood to survive.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

conventions of horror films

Horror films are very similar when talking about the main conventions of horror films. There are different sub genres for horror films which are, slasher thriller and the monster scare. The main sub genres that everyone watches or know are slasher and thriller movie's.
Horror films normally have very similar conventions what make them horror films. One convention of this genre is that there is most of the time a female victim who gets attacked and killed. Another convention is they the killer always hides away his identity such as facial features and what colour their hair etc. This is done so that the audience says in suspense and they keel the story of the film secret. There is sometimes a certain camera angle that horror movie's's contain. Which are point of view shots. These shots in in horror movie's so that we as an audience know what's going on and it is mainly from the killers point of view. Horror films are also mainly know for the use of lighting in the films. For example in most of the films it is a very dark and creepy setting, so that we don't feel comfortable with the certain surrounding of the film. In some horror films there is a camera technique used called hand held camera. Using this technique can help people to understand the position that the characters are in and how theu are feeling.